650 535 0336
Kate Merrill Evans, BS, MA
Attachment Based Integrative Couples Counseling
Bringing Us Into the Sweet Heart of Relationships
CA LMFT #144109
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
EFT Couples Counseling
Bringing sweetness back to your relationship
Has your once loving relationship turned sour with resentments and defensiveness? Do you keep getting stuck in the same arguments that don't ever get resolved? Are there things you're holding back expressing to your partner for fear of how they'll respond? Are you noticing less closeness and intimacy and you want to do something about it before it gets worse?
If you really wish to be closer to your partner, I can help.
I'm passionate about helping loving couples find their way back to each other. What this often looks like is an exploration into each partner's needs and fears and learning what it takes in order to communicate those things in a way that their partner can hear and respond to in an emotionally present way. This process builds trust and strengthens your loving bond - deepening your secure attachment with one another.
I'm extensively trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy, an attachment science-based, research-validated approach that has been widely used for over 30 years.
"We help people basically move into accessibility, responsiveness, and engagement. We help people take risks. We help people go into their emotions, listen to them, not judge them, accept them. We help people reach for each other and support each other."